Checklist Output

Team Player Card Set Card Number Print Run
New York GiantsEli ManningBase7375
New York GiantsOdell Beckham Jr.Base7475
New York GiantsSterling ShepardBase7575
New York GiantsEli ManningBase Gold7350
New York GiantsOdell Beckham Jr.Base Gold7450
New York GiantsSterling ShepardBase Gold7550
New York GiantsEli ManningBase Holo Gold735
New York GiantsOdell Beckham Jr.Base Holo Gold745
New York GiantsSterling ShepardBase Holo Gold755
New York GiantsEli ManningBase Holo Silver7325
New York GiantsOdell Beckham Jr.Base Holo Silver7425
New York GiantsSterling ShepardBase Holo Silver7525
New York GiantsEli ManningBase Platinum731
New York GiantsOdell Beckham Jr.Base Platinum741
New York GiantsSterling ShepardBase Platinum751
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorBlack and Blue Dual Signatures210
New York GiantsCarl BanksBlack and Blue Dual Signatures210
New York GiantsCarl BanksBlack and Blue Dual Signatures Gold25
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorBlack and Blue Dual Signatures Gold25
New York GiantsCarl BanksBlack and Blue Dual Signatures Platinum21
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorBlack and Blue Dual Signatures Platinum21
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorDistinguished Defenders149
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorDistinguished Defenders Gold125
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorDistinguished Defenders Platinum11
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorImposing Signatures1415
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorImposing Signatures Gold1410
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorImposing Signatures Holo Silver145
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorImposing Signatures Holo-Gold143
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorImposing Signatures Platinum141
New York GiantsEli ManningMagnificent Signatures1010
New York GiantsEli ManningMagnificent Signatures Platinum101
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorMajestic Material Autographs2215
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorMajestic Material Autographs Gold2210
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorMajestic Material Autographs Holo Gold223
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorMajestic Material Autographs Holo Silver225
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorMajestic Material Autographs Platinum221
New York GiantsOttis AndersonMajestic Signatures Tier 11599
New York GiantsOttis AndersonMajestic Signatures Tier 1 Platinum151
New York GiantsLandon CollinsMajestic Signatures Tier 2120
New York GiantsJeremy ShockeyMajestic Signatures Tier 22525
New York GiantsLandon CollinsMajestic Signatures Tier 2 Platinum11
New York GiantsJeremy ShockeyMajestic Signatures Tier 2 Platinum251
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorMajestic Signatures Tier 31510
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorMajestic Signatures Tier 3 Platinum151
New York GiantsEli ManningRing Bearers Dual Signatures35
New York GiantsMichael StrahanRing Bearers Dual Signatures35
New York GiantsEli ManningRing Bearers Dual Signatures Gold33
New York GiantsMichael StrahanRing Bearers Dual Signatures Gold33
New York GiantsEli ManningRing Bearers Dual Signatures Platinum31
New York GiantsMichael StrahanRing Bearers Dual Signatures Platinum31
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorShowstoppers Materials1049
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorShowstoppers Materials Gold1025
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorShowstoppers Materials Platinum101
New York GiantsBrandon JacobsSuper Bowl Teammate Quad Signatures23
New York GiantsPlaxico BurressSuper Bowl Teammate Quad Signatures23
New York GiantsEli ManningSuper Bowl Teammate Quad Signatures23
New York GiantsMichael StrahanSuper Bowl Teammate Quad Signatures23
New York GiantsMichael StrahanSuper Bowl Teammate Quad Signatures Gold22
New York GiantsPlaxico BurressSuper Bowl Teammate Quad Signatures Gold22
New York GiantsBrandon JacobsSuper Bowl Teammate Quad Signatures Gold22
New York GiantsEli ManningSuper Bowl Teammate Quad Signatures Gold22
New York GiantsPlaxico BurressSuper Bowl Teammate Quad Signatures Platinum21
New York GiantsBrandon JacobsSuper Bowl Teammate Quad Signatures Platinum21
New York GiantsEli ManningSuper Bowl Teammate Quad Signatures Platinum21
New York GiantsMichael StrahanSuper Bowl Teammate Quad Signatures Platinum21
New York GiantsCarl BanksSuper Bowl Teammate Triple Signatures55
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorSuper Bowl Teammate Triple Signatures55
New York GiantsPepper JohnsonSuper Bowl Teammate Triple Signatures55
New York GiantsCarl BanksSuper Bowl Teammate Triple Signatures Gold53
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorSuper Bowl Teammate Triple Signatures Gold53
New York GiantsPepper JohnsonSuper Bowl Teammate Triple Signatures Gold53
New York GiantsCarl BanksSuper Bowl Teammate Triple Signatures Platinum51
New York GiantsLawrence TaylorSuper Bowl Teammate Triple Signatures Platinum51
New York GiantsPepper JohnsonSuper Bowl Teammate Triple Signatures Platinum51
New York GiantsSterling ShepardWondrous Wide-Outs1399
New York GiantsSterling ShepardWondrous Wide-Outs Gold1349
New York GiantsSterling ShepardWondrous Wide-Outs Platinum131